Career Path

Lean team and big team

Teams come in 2 sizes, lean versus volume. Former focuses on mission execution and the later focuses on strategic formation. Recently, I traded 1 headcount in exchange of removing video production from the responsibility. The team becomes leaner and easier to focus on go-to-market planning, asset creation, and channel enablement. It made sense since video […]

Product and route-to-market

If we want to become a physically fit person, then the better chance of success is to join a community. The search for community could be a series of trial and error. Begin with signing up for a nearby gym membership, but give up in a few months. Later find a much enjoyable experience in

Little story on the tangled responsibility and politics

As an engineering student walking in campus, you’re given a handout by a middle age man on the sidewalk. The handout read “Challenge on French Translation”. Out of boredom after the final exam, you pull out Google Translate and ChatGPT to kill the time. A week later, dean of school called. From this point on,

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