Personal Growth

Exercise, 2023: All Time Low

2023 was challenging. Having significant increase in work time from my first time manager journey and taking care of my daughter, it was really really tough to keep up with exercise. All major indexes reached all time low. This is a major focus of 2024, I’m happier when I feel physically strong. Building up a […]

31 out

Takeaways from 31 years old. On health Invest in a good chairGood chair doesn’t mean it’s comfortable. After a decade of horrible office posture, my body is relearning and it’s not confy. The good thing is, it forces me take a walk every hour and my back is no longer in pain after work. Exercise

End Year Review 2021

(originally written on December 31, 2021) Reflecting on the year is just as meaningful as looking ahead to the next. I like to think of it as baggage. Every year, I take on some baggages, it is inevitable if I want to move forward. These baggages arrive in the form of habits, purchases, or responsibilities.

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